Contemporary PUP Artist, and neurosparkly children’s book Author/Illustrator, Kim Niles (she/her) has been a working Artist since 1998. She designs for a wide variety of products featuring her unique whimsical animal art for art licensees as well as for her own online shops: Apparel, fabrics, home decor, housewares, stationery, jewelry, electronics cases, gift wrap, and more for KiniArt™, a US based creative company.
Not just in KiniArt shops, Kim’s art adorns other company’s products such as ladies and children’s apparel in major department stores across the US, was featured on ladies scrubs tops at Marks Work Wearhouse stores across Canada, and in stores in Brazil. Her relentlessly happy dog-lover designs won her a spot in the top five bestselling Designers for Check Advantage, since they began to license her work for their checks, checkbook covers, and address labels. Kim sells her original works online in the shopping area of this website.
Kim’s original artworks are in private collections throughout the US, Canada, and more than 10 other countries across the globe. She enjoys a creative & dog-obsessed life on Whidbey Island, and is most often happily working away on a multitude of projects such as new art for sale, pet portrait orders, art for product design and art licensing, repeat-patterns for fabrics and product surfaces, and drawing up whatever puppies are currently playing tug-o-war with her imagination.
Kim is always looking to expand her KiniArt™ brand and welcomes serious licensing inquiries.
Artist Statement
“Doesn’t Pay Attention” . . . “Stares out the window” . . . “Day-dreams too much”
Undiagnosed ADHD meant these were the statements that appeared on report cards throughout my early school years – so often that I always dreaded progress report day. I’ve had dual citizenship between real life and my inner world from a very early age. Having endured early childhood instruction where kids are taught the importance of coloring inside the lines, it wasn’t until I learned to value the lines themselves, that I really began to feel at home in both my worlds. Now a professional artist, and business owner since starting my KiniArt company in 2004, I find no greater joy as an artist than when through my work, my own inner animal-loving, day-dreaming child has connected with yours.